The University of North Texas Dance and Theatre Department offers a variety of Acting Classes, including (but not limited to):
- Acting Fundamentals (THEA 1050)
- Play Analysis (THEA 1440)
- Theatre Voice (THEA 2051)
- Theatre Movement (THEA 2351)
- Theatre Movement II (THEA 3351)
- Acting: Realism (THEA 3050)
- Acting: Styles and Periods (THEA 3140)
- Actor's Ensemble (THEA 3910)
- Acting: Musical Theatre (THEA 4000)
- Directing I (THEA 3011)
- Directing II (THEA 4100)
- Acting: Shakespeare (THEA 4140)
- Acting for the Camers (THEA 4310)
- Physical Theatre (THEA 4351)
- Rehearsal and Performance for the Stage (THEA 4600)